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Игры для PSP
Сообщений: 14
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Re: Игры для PSPзнаю, что моно с помощью уже прошитой псп прошить другую, или скачать прошивку и, подсоединив к компу, прошить
псп 3000 вроде как не прошивается 354-760-483 ася мать её
Re: Игры для PSP3000 очень даже прошивается, PSP-Go нельзя прошить.
"Я никогда не буду жить ради другого человека и никогда не попрошу другого человека жить ради меня" Дж. Голт
Re: Игры для PSP
Для начала
Враки, HEN - не прошивка.
Re: Игры для PSPу меня есть образ для ПСП, а вот эмулятора нет. Кто сможет в нете найти эмуль поганяем бокс не плохой совсем, на компе такого нет
Re: Игры для PSPJpcsp
#: .hack//Link - ULJS00266 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1475 300: March to Glory - ULUS10241 - Playable - r1415 50 Cent: Bulletproof G Unit Edition - ULUS10128 - Playable - r1303 7 Wonders - ULUS10227 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1363 A: Ace Combat X - ULUS10176 - Loadable - r1000 Aces of War - ULES00590 - Loadable - r1349 Activision Hits Remixed - ULUS10186 - Loadable - r1308 Adventure Player - ULJS00011 - Playable - r1349 Adventures To Go! - ULUS10417 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1299 Aedis Eclipse - Generation of Chaos - ULUS10242 - Shows Intro - r1066 AFL Challenge - ULES01299 - Encrypted - r1204 After Burner: Black Falcon - ULES00785 - Loadable - r1021 Age Of Zombies - NPZ00044 - Playable - r1465 AI Igo - ULJS00008 - Shows Intro - r1064 AI Shogi - ULJS00009 - Loadable - r1064 Air Conflicts: Aces of World War II - ULUS10404 - Playable - r1206 Alien Havoc - NPEZ00025 - Encrypted - r1204 Alien Syndrome - ULUS10245 - Shows Intro - r1389 Alien Zombie Death - NPEZ00115 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1365 Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem - ULUS10327 - Shows Intro - r1043 Anata o Yurusanai - ULJM05279 - Half Playable - r1131 Antiphona no Seikahime Tenshi no Score Op A - ULJS00229 - Shows Intro - r1370 Ape Academy - UCES00010 - Loadable - r1312 Ape Academy 2 - UCES00302 - Loadable - r1225 Ape Escape: On The Loose - UCUS98609 - Loadable - r1075 Ape Quest - NPUG80061 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1274 Aqua Panic! - NPEH00026 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1478 Archer Maclean's Mercury - ULES00011 - Playable - r1218 Archer Maclean's Mercury - ULUS10017 - Shows Intro - r1075 Armored Core 3 Portable - ULJM05492 - Shows Intro - r1310 Armored Core Last Raven Portable - ULJM05611 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1413 Armored Core: Silent Line Portable - NPUH10025 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1487 Army of Two: The 40th Day - ULUS10472 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1503 Arthur and the Invisibles - ULES00669 - Half Playable - r1451 Asphalt: Urban GT 2 - ULES00719 - Shows Intro - r1415 Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines - ULUS10455 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1270 Astonishia Story - ULUS10083 - Playable - r1178 Atari Classics Evolved - ULUS10325 - Loadable - r1002 Asterix and Obelix XXL 2: Mission WiFix - ULES00527 - Shows Intro - r1178 ATV Offroad Fury - UCUS98603 - Shows Intro - r1058 Autoescuela Aprueba Conmigo - ULES01366 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1312 Avatar: The Last Airbender - ULUS10165 - Shows Intro - r1101 Avatar: The Legend of Aang - ULES00633 - Shows Intro - r1066 B: B-Boy - UCES00249 - Encrypted - UNK B-Boy - ULUS10363 - Shows Intro - r1087 Bamboo Blade - ULJM05463 - Encrypted - r1066 Battlezone - ULES00522 - Half Playable - r1389 Battlezone - ULUS10156 - Playable - r1308 Battle Spirits Heroes Soul - ULJS00280 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1397 Beam'Em Up - NPEZ00081 - Loadable - r1372 Beaterator - ULUS10405 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1299 Beats - NPEG00001 - Encrypted - r1075 Beats - NPUG80060 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1280 Ben 10: Protector of Earth - ULUS10307 - Loadable - r1021 Beowulf: The Game - ULUS10329 - Shows Intro - r1142 Beta Bloc - ULES00792 - Loadable - r1064 Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light - ULES00541 - Shows Intro - r1000 Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light - ULUS10124 - Playable - r1189 Blast Off - NPUZ00021 - Loadable - r1312 BlazBlue Portable - NPJH50180 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1389 BlazBlue Portable - ULUS10519 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1389 Bleach - Heat The Soul 2 - UCJS10017 - Shows Intro - r1451 Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 - UCJS10082 - Half Playable - r1348 Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 - UCJS10093 - Encrypted - r1066 Bliss Island - ULES00616 - Playable - r1114 Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship - ULUS10332 - Playable - r1058 Blood Bowl - ULES01230 - Encrypted - r1105 Blood Plus: Final Piece - UCJS10044 - Loadable - r1180 Bloons - NPEZ00045 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1310 Bokujou Monogatari: Sugar Mura to Minna no Negai - ULJS00188 - Shows Intro - r1073 Bomberman - ULES00469 - Loadable - r1308 Bomberman - ULUS10121 - Loadable - r1002 Bomberman Land - ULES00959 - Loadable - r1433 Bomberman Land - ULUS10319 - Loadable - r1250 Bounty Hounds - ULUS10161 - Shows Intro - r1095 Bowling 3D - NPUZ00002 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1308 Brain Challenge - NPUH10006 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1423 Brainpipe - NPUZ00009 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1503 Brandish: The Dark Revenant - ULJM05424 - Playable - r1431 Brave Story: New Traveler - ULUS10279 - Shows Intro - r1359 BreakQuest - NPEZ00011 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1231 Breath Of Fire III - ULES00193 - Playable - r1043 Brothers in Arms D-Day - ULUS10193 - Shows Intro - r1420 Brunswick Pro Bowling - ULUS10283 - Shows Intro - r1348 Bubble Bobble Evolution - ULES00303 - Loadable - r1114 Bubble Trubble - NPUZ00007 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1503 Bumpy Trot: Vehicle Battle Tournament - ULJS00130 - Shows Intro - r1064 Burnout Dominator - ULUS10236 - Loadable - r1420 Burnout Legends - ULES00125 - Shows Intro - r1040 Burnout Legends - ULUS10025 - Loadable - r1078 Bust-A-Move Deluxe - ULUS10057 - Playable - r1147 Bust-A-Move Ghost - ULES00233 - Playable - r1000 Buzz! Brain Of The UK - UCES01207 - Encrypted - r1066 Buzz! Master Quiz - UCES01032 - Loadable - r1280 C: Cabela's African Safari - ULUS10175 - Shows Intro - r1503 Cabela's Dangerous Hunts: Ultimate Challenge - ULUS10106 - Half Playable - r1503 Cabela's Legendary Adventures - ULUS10385 - Shows Intro - r1503 CakeMania Bakers Challenge - UCES01157 - Playable - r1123 Call of Duty: Roads to Victory - ULUS10218 - Loadable - r1270 Capcom Classic Collection Reloaded - ULUS10134 - Shows Intro - r1021 Capcom Puzzle World - ULUS10217 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1395 Car Jack Streets - NPUZ00043 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1505 Carol Vorderman's Sudoku - ULUS10126 - Playable - r1149 Cars - ULUS10073 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1503 Cars: Race-O-Rama - ULUS10428 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1423 Castelvania Dracula X Chronicles - ULES00841 - Half Playable - r1315 Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles - ULKS46155 - Half Playable - r1145 Chameleon - ULUS10267 - Loadable - r1147 Championship Manager 2007 - ULES00636 - Shows Intro - r1066 Chessmaster: The Art of Learning - ULES01013 - Playable - r1324 Chessmaster: The Art of Learning - ULUS10335 - Half Playable - r1204 Chronicle of Dungeon Maker - ULJM05172 - Loadable - r1073 CID The Dummy - ULES01024 - Encrypted - r1066 CID The Dummy - ULUS10356 - Half Playable - r1379 Circles - NPEZ00007 - Playable - UNK Clannad - ULJM05338 - Loadable - r1035 Class of Heroes - ULUS10396 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1359 Classic Dungeon: Fuyoku no Masoujin - NPJH50185 - Shows Intro - r1477 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - ULUS10444 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1505 Chili Con Carnage - ULES00629 - Loadable - r1021 Chili Con Carnage - ULUS10216 - Loadable - r1123 Cho Aniki Zero - NPUH10031 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1506 Code Geass: Lost Colors - ULJS00135 - Loadable - r1035 Code Lyoko - ULUS10351 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1231 Coded Arms - ULES00124 - Half Playable - r1348 Coded Arms - ULUS10019 - Half Playable - r1379 Coded Arms: Contagion - ULUS10184 - Shows Intro - r1503 Coded Soul: Uke Keigareshi Idea - UCJS10061 - Loadable - r1037 Colin McRae: DiRT 2 - ULES01301 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1190 Colin McRae: DiRT 2 - ULUS10471 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1231 Colin McRae Rally 2005 Plus - ULES00111 - Shows Intro - r1078 Comic Party Portable - ULJS00027 - Half Playable - r1470 Cover Girl - ULES01302 - Loadable - r1375 Crash Mind Over Mutant - ULUS10377 - Playable - r1415 Crash of the Titans - ULUS10304 - Playable - r1431 Crash Tag Team Racing - ULUS10044 - Playable - r1225 Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars - ULUS10273 - Shows Intro - r1451 Creature Defense - NPUH10034 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1299 Crimson Gem Saga - UCAS40212 - Half Playable - r1066 Crimson Gem Saga - ULUS10400 - Encrypted - UNK Crimson Room: Reverse - NPUH10037 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1249 Crimson Room Reverse - ULJM05408 - Loadable - r1102 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - ULES01044 - Shows Intro - r1000 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - ULES01045 - Shows Intro - r1040 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - ULUS10336 - Playable - r1481 Cross Channel: To All People - ULJM05623 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1478 Crush - ULES00765 - Loadable - r1021 Crystal Defenders - NPEH00017 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1232 Cube - ULUS10223 - Loadable - UNK Cubixx - NPEZ00101 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1312 D: D-Cube Planet - NPEZ00008 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1249 Daisenryaku Daitoua Kouboushi - ULJS00147 - Shows Intro - r1308 Dante's Inferno - ULES01387 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1369 Dante's Inferno - ULUS10469 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1505 Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower - ULUS10005 - Shows Intro - UNK Dave Mirra BMX Challenge - ULES00773 - Loadable - UNK Dave Mirra BMX Challenge - ULUS10204 - Shows Intro - r1503 Daxter - UCUS98618 - Half Playable - r1282 Dead Head Fred - ULUS10288 - Shows Intro - r1323 Dead or Alive Paradise - ULES01431 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1437 Dead To Rights: Reckoning - ULES00195 - Encrypted - UNK Dead to Rights: Reckoning - ULUS10023 - Half Playable - r1415 Death, Jr. - ULUS10027 - Loadbale - r1323 Deflector - NPEZ00127 - Playable - r1323 Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu - ULJM05588 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1365 Derby Time - UCJS10006 - Shows Intro - r1078 Desi Adda:Games of India - UCES01279 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1340 Diabolik: The Original Sin - ULES01248 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1277 Digi-Tiles - NPUX80407 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1373 Diner Dash - ULES00755 - Loadable - r1000 Diner Dash: Sizzle & Serve - ULUS10264 - Playable - r1432 Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness - ULES00999 - Loadable - UNK Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness - ULUS10308 - Playable - r1503 Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - ULES01392 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1506 Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - ULUS10461 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1415 Disney Pixar UP - ULUS10430 - Encrypted - r1064 Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULJM05262 - Shows Intro - r1308 DJ Max Fever - ULUS10403 - Half Playable - r1174 Dora Slot Kyojin no Hoshi II - ULJM05027 - Loadable - UNK Dora-Slot: Shuyaku wa Zenigata - ULJM05014 - Half Playable - r1204 Downstream Panic! - ULUS10322 - Shows Intro - r1451 Dracula - Undead Awakening - NPEZ00124 - Playable - r1433 Dragonball: Evolution - ULES01227 - Shows Intro - r1413 Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - ULES00309 - Shows Intro - r1413 Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - ULUS10081 - Shows Intro - r1451 Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2 - ULES00789 - Loadable - r1021 Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road - ULUS10234 - Loadable - r1021 Dragon Dance - ULJM05407 - Loadable - r1107 Dragoneer's Aria - ULUS10291 - Half Playable - r1238 Driver 76 - ULUS10235 - Shows Intro - r1415 DT Carnage - ULUS10406 - Shows Intro - r1312 DTM Race Driver 2 - ULES00041 - Loadable - r1075 Dungeons & Dragons Tactics - ULES00721 - Shows Intro - UNK Dungeons & Dragons Tactics - ULUS10232 - Half Playable - r1281 Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts - ULUS10289 - Shows Intro - r1166 Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground - ULUS10282 - Half Playable - r1297 Dungeon Maker 2 The Hidden War - ULUS10393 - Half Playable - r1341 Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony - ULUS10177 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1415 Dynasty Warriors - ULES00026 - Loadable - r1073 Dynasty Warriors - ULUS10004 - Half Playable - r1483 Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce - ULES01221 - Loadable - r1312 Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce - ULUS10416 - Loadable - r1370 Dynasty Warriors Vol.2 - ULUS10170 - Playable - r1415 DynoGems - NPEZ00117 - Playable - r1303 E: EA Replay - ULUS10140 - Encrypted - UNK EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 - ULUS10066 - Shows Intro - r1370 Earthshield - NPUX80405 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1373 echochrome - UCAS40197 - Loadable - r1312 echochrome - UCES01011 - Shows Intro - r1149 echoshift - UCES01313 - Half Playable - r1438 Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd - ULJM05353 - Shows Intro - r1452 Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki FC - ULJM05170 - Shows Intro - r1465 Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki SC Disc 1+2 - ULJM05277+ULJM05278 - Shows Intro - r1452 Elminage 2 - ULJM05488 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1423 Eragon - ULUS10146 - Loadable - r1217 Evangelion: Jo - ULJS00201 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1470 Every Extend Extra - ULUS10147 - Half Playable - r1308 Everybody's Golf - UCES00012 - Loadable - r1075 Everyday Shooter - NPUG80224 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1415 Exit - ULJM05062 - Shows Intro - r1299 Exit - ULUS10074 - Loadable - r1058 Exit 2 - ULES00620 - Loadable - r1299 F: F1 2009 - ULUS10449 - Shows Intro - r1270 F1 Grand Prix - UCES00004 - Loadable - r1075 Fading Shadows - ULES00858 - Shows Intro - r1377 Fantasy Golf Pangya Portable - ULJM05440 - Encrypted - r1066 Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake - UCES01312 - Shows Intro - r1440 Fate/Tiger Colosseum - ULJM05266 - Shows Intro - r1045 Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper - ULJM05360 - Shows Intro - r1045 Fate/unlimited codes - NPUH10009 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1503 Fate/unlimited codes Portable - ULJM05451 - Shows Intro - r1285 Field Commander - ULUS10088 - Loadable - r1021 Fieldrunners - NPUZ00014 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1503 FIFA 09 - ULES01142 - Encrypted - UNK FIFA 09 - ULES01135 - Encrypted - UNK FIFA 10 - ULES01322 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1369 Fifa Street 2 - ULES00264 - Loadable - r1004 Final Armada - ULES00661 - Shows Intro - r1064 Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Edition - ULJM05241 - Loadable - r945 Final Fantasy - ULES00986 - Playable - r1434 Final Fantasy - ULUS10251 - Loadable - r1114 Final Fantasy II - ULES00987 - Shows Intro - r1434 Final Fantasy II - ULUS10263 - Shows Intro - r1002 Final Fantasy II - ULJM05245 - Loadable - r1052 Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - ULES00850 - Shows Intro - r1451 Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - ULUS10297 - Loadable - r1369 Finder Love - Aki Hoshino - ULJM05145 - Shows Intro - r1395 Finder Love - Hara Fumina - ULJM05143 - Shows Intro - r1395 Finder Love - Risa Kudo - ULJM05144 - Shows Intro - r1395 Fired Up - UCES00015 - Playable - r1280 FlatOut Head On - ULUS10328 - Shows Intro - r1420 flOw - NPUG80086 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1415 Football Manager Handheld 2008 - ULES00934 - Loadable - r1000 Football Manager Handheld 2009 - ULES01152 - Half Playable - r1432 Ford Bold Moves Street Racing - ULUS10159 - Playable - r1415 Ford Racing Off Road - ULUS10326 - Shows Intro - UNK Ford Street Racing L.A. DUEL - ULES00564 - Shows Intro - r1021 Formula One 2005 Portable - UCJS10019 - Loadable - r1078 Fortix - NPEZ00096 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1310 Frantix - ULUS10039 - Half Playable - r1165 Freak Out: Extreme Freeride - ULES00783 - Loadable -r1123 Free Running - ULES00704 - Half Playable - r1433 Freekscape: Escape From Hell - NPUZ00013 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1478 Frogger: Helmet Chaos - ULES00207 - Playable - r1258 From Russia With Love - ULUS10080 - Playable - r1196 Full Auto 2: Battlelines - ULUS10220 - Shows Intro - r1503 FullMetal Alchemist: Senaka wo Takuseshimono - ULJS00220 - Shows Intro - UNK Funky Punch - NPEZ00004 - Encrypted - r1204 Funky Punch - NPUZ00011 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1231 Fushigi no Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren 3 Portable - ULJS00239 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1349 G: G-Force - ULUS10439 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1270 Garnet Chronicle - NPJH90012 - Encrypted - r1058 Generation of Chaos - ULUS10075 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1503 Ghostbusters: The Video Game - ULUS10486 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1232 Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - UCAS40025 - Loadable - r1349 Ghost Rider - ULUS10210 - Half Playable - r1240 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - ULUS10435 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1505 Gitaroo Man Lives! - ULUS10207 - Loadable - r1370 Go! Sudoku - UCES00152 - Loadable - r1021 God of War: Chains of Olympus - UCUS98653 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1452 Gottlieb Pinball Classics - ULES00212 - Loadable - r1058 Gran Turismo - UCES01245 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1348 Gran Turismo - UCUS98632 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1270 Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars - ULUS10490 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1503 Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - ULUS10041 - Loadable - r1024 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - ULES00502 - Encrypted - r1261 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - ULUS10160 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1421 Gretzky NHL 2005 - UCUS98604 - Shows Intro - r1058 Gripshift - ULUS10040 - Playable - r1166 GTI Club Supermini Festa! - NPUH10044 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1370 Guilty Gear Judgment - ULES00574 - Shows Intro - UNK Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus - ULUS10409 - Shows Intro - r1308 Gun Showdown - ULUS10158 - Shows Intro - r1123 Gundam Assault Survive - ULJS00281 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1433 Gundam Battle Tactics - ULJS00025 - Shows Intro - r1078 Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable - ULJM05238 - Encrypted - r1131 Gunpey - ULES00648 - Half Playable - r1203 Gurumin - ULUS10228 - Shows Intro - r1110 H: Half-Minute Hero - ULUS10491 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1231 Hammer Wars - NPEZ00142 - Playable - r1451 Hammerin' Hero - ULUS10392 - Shows Intro - r1308 Hannah Montana: Rock out The Show - ULUS10431 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1503 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - ULES00216 - Loadable - r1280 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - ULUS10032 - Loadable - r1126 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - ULUS10381 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1395 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - ULUS10261 - Loadable - r1270 Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl - ULUS10142 - Playable - r1324 Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley - ULUS10458 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1505 Hatsune Miku: Project Diva - ULJM05472 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1464 Hayarigami 2 Portable: Keishichou Kaijiken File - ULJS00149 - Shows Intro - r1241 Hayate no Gotoku: Nightmare Paradise - ULJM05416 - Shows Intro - r1180 Heatseeker - ULES00760 - Playable - r1279 Heatseeker - ULUS10259 - Loadable - UNK Heaven's Will - ULJM05186 - Loadable - r1241 Hellboy: The Science of Evil - ULUS10301 - Loadable - r1021 Hello Kitty Puzzle Party - ULES01397 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1370 Hero of Sparta - NPUZ00005 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1423 Higurashi Daybreak Portable - ULJM05388 - Shows Intro - r1086 Hiiro no Kakera Portable - ULJM05399 - Shows Intro - r1180 HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable - ULJM05354 - Shows Intro - r1073 Himitsu no Radio - ULJS00161 - Encrypted - r1075 Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! - ULES01332 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1310 Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do to Deserve This? - ULUS10456 - Encrypted - UNK HotBrain - ULUS10268 - Loadable - r1204 Hot Pixel - ULES00642 - Encrypted - UNK Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee - UCUS98614 - Loadable - r1075 Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - ULES00828 - Shows Intro - r1037 Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - ULUS10239 - Half Playable - r1250 Hysteria Project - NPUZ00072 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1505 I: Ice Road Truckers - NPEZ00145 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1489 Idolmaster SP - The Missing Moon - ULJS00169 - Loadable - r1375 Idolmaster SP - The Perfect Sun - ULJS00167 - Loadable - r1375 Idolmaster SP - The Wandering Star - ULJS00168 - Loadable - r1375 Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist - ULJS00152 - Shows Intro - r1364 Ikuze! Gen-San: Yuuyake Daiku Monogatari - ULJM91013 - Loadable - r1114 IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey - ULES01316 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1284 Impossible Mission - ULES00764 - Loadable - r1066 Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings - ULUS10316 - Shows Intro - r1270 Infected - ULUS10054 - Half Playable - r1284 Initial D: Street Stage - ULJM05093 - Shows Intro - r1180 Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon - ULES00658 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1082 Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon - ULKS46167 - Encrypted - r1066 International Athletics - ULES01090 - Playable - r1451 International Snooker - NPEZ00104 - Playable - r1345 Iron Man - ULUS10347 - Loadable - r1270 J: Jackass: The Game - ULUS10303 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1379 Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier - NPUG80330 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1233 James Cameron`s Avatar: The Game - ULUS10451 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1415 Jeanne D'Arc - UCUS98700 - Loadable - r1308 Judie no Atelier Toraware no Moribito - ULJM05607 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1506 Juiced: Eliminator - ULUS10090 - Shows Intro - r1503 Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights - ULUS10312 - Shows Intro - r1503 Justice League Heroes - ULUS10214 - Encrypted - UNK Juusei to Diamond - UCJS10092 - Half Playable - r1285 K: Kahoots - NPEZ00009 - Encrypted - r1204 Kamen no Maid Guy: Boyoyon Battle Royale - ULJM05418 - Loadable - r1064 Kanon - ULJM05203 - Encrypted - r1107 Kao Challengers - ULUS10085 - Shows Intro - r1189 Kazook - ULES00517 - Playable - r1180 Keibatsuu Portable 2: JRA Koushiki Data 23 Nenbu - ULJM05455 - Encrypted - r1066 Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono. - ULJM05343 - Loadable - r1076 Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono. 2 - ULJM05476 - Encrypted - r1082 Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble - ULUS10442 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1415 Kenka Banchou Portable - ULJS00235 - Loadable - r1312 Key of Heaven - UCES00178 - Shows Intro - r1099 Killzone: Liberation - UCUS98646 - Loadable - r1201 King of Clubs - ULES00914 - Shows Intro - r1415 Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - ULJM05600 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1472 Kingdom of Paradise - UCUS98623 - Shows Intro - UNK Knights in the Nightmare - ULJM05502 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1505 Koloomn - ULES00143 - Loadable - UNK Konjiki no Corda 2 Forte - ULJM05428 - Loadable - r1180 Konjiki no Corda 2 Forte Encore - ULJM05508 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1231 Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o: Te no Hira No Rakuen - ULJM05442 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1470 Koori No Bohyou Ichiryuuwa 3 Dome No Junan - NPJH50186 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1377 L: La Corda d'Oro - ULJM05054 - Loadable - r1180 Lanfeust of Troy - ULES01022 - Loadable - r1178 Legend of Kunoichi - NPUX80406 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1373 Legend of the Dragon - ULUS10250 - Encrypted - r1066 Lego Batman: The Videogame - ULUS10380 - Loadable - r1478 Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures - ULUS10365 - Loadable - r1369 Lego Indiana Jones 2 - ULUS10487 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1369 Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy - ULES00479 - Shows Intro - r1369 Lemmings - UCES00109 - Half Playable - r1043 Lemmings - UCUS98647 - Loadable - r1002 Let's Golf - NPUZ00004 - Shows Intro - r1261 Little Big Planet - UCUS98744 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1246 Little Britain - ULES00840 - Shows Intro - r1315 LocoRoco - UCES00304 - Half Playable - r1473 LocoRoco 2 - UCET01181 - Shows Intro - r1021 LocoRoco: Midnight Carnival - NPEG00024 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1505 Lumines - ULES00043 - Shows Intro - r1308 Lunar: Harmony of Silver Star - NPJH50054 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1303 Luxor: Pharaoh's Challenge - ULUS10333 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1308 Luxor: Wrath of Set - ULUS10201 - Playable - UNK M: M.A.C.H. - Modified Air Combat Heroes - ULUS10180 - Loadable - r1022 Macross Ace Frontier - ULJS00158 - Playable - r1241 Madden NFL 06 - ULUS10024 - Loadable - r1078 Madden NFL 09 - ULUS10352 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1423 Magic Sudoku - ULES00621 - Playable - r1021 Magna Carta Portable - ULJS00042 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1497 Mahjongg Artifacts: Chapter 2 - NPEZ00003 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1310 Mahjong Fight Club - ULJM05163 - Shows Intro - r1114 Mai-hime senretsu - ULJS00062 - Loadable - r1294 Makai Senki Disgaea 2 Portable - ULJS00183 - Shows Intro - r1064 Manhunt 2 - ULES00756 - Encrypted - UNK Manhunt 2 - ULUS10280 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1431 Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects - ULES00159 - Shows Intro - r1308 Marvel Ultimate Alliance - ULUS10167 - Encrypted - UNK Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 - ULUS10421 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1415 Mawaskes - ULES01104 - Loadable - r1478 Medal of Honor Heroes - ULUS10141 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1415 Medal of Honor Heroes 2 - ULES00955 - Encrypted - UNK Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 - ULUS10310 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1415 MediEvil Resurrection - UCES00006 - Shows Intro - r1416 Mega Man Maverick Hunter X - ULUS10068 - Playable - r1476 Mega Man Powered Up - ULES00307 - Encrypted - UNK Mega Man Powered Up - ULUS10091 - Playable - r1366 Memories Off 6: T-Wave - ULJM05467 - Encrypted - r1253 Memories Off Sorekara Again - ULJM05526 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1377 Metal Gear Acid - ULUS10006 - Loadable - UNK Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel - ULUS10108 - Shows Intro - r1232 Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - NPJH50045 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1506 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - ULES00645 - Loadable - UNK Metal Slug Anthology - ULES00530 - Shows Intro - r1043 Metal Slug XX - ULUS10495 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1504 Miami Vice: The Game - ULES00376 - Encrypted - UNK Miami Vice: The Game - ULUS10109 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1285 Micro Machines V4 - ULES00368 - Shows Intro - r1078 Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition - ULES00108 - Shows Intro - r1349 Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition - ULUS10021 - Loadable - r1075 Midnight Club L.A. Remix - ULES01144 - Encrypted - UNK Midnight Club: L.A. Remix - ULUS10383 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1359 Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play - ULUS10059 - Half Playable - r1433 Military History Commander Europe at War - ULES01179 - Playable - r1308 Mimana Iyar Chronicle - ULJM05379 - Shows Intro - r1381 Mimana Iyar Chronicle - ULUS10492 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1478 Minna de Dokusho: Keatai Shousetsu Desu - ULJM05393 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1070 Minna no Sukkiri - UCJS10094 - Half Playable - r1310 Mind Quiz - ULUS10178 - Shows Intro - r1058 MLB - UCUS98605 - Shows Intro - r1075 MLB 10 The Show - UCUS98742 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1370 Moeru Mahjong: Moejong! - ULJM05375 - Loadable - r1035 Monochrome - ULJM05642 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1505 Monster Hunter 2 - ULES00851 - Encrypted - UNK Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - ULUS10266 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1087 Monster Hunter Freedom - ULUS10084 - Shows Intro - r1476 Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - ULES01213 - Shows Intro - r1478 Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - ULUS10391 - Loadable - r1261 Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G - ULJM05500 - Loadable - r1178 Monster Jam: Urban Assault - ULUS10379 - Half Playable - r1505 Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner - ULUS10211 - Loadable - r1166 Mortal Kombat: Unchained - ULUS10102 - Shows Intro - r1149 MotoGP - ULUS10153 - Half Playable - r1382 MotorStorm: Arctic Edge - UCES01250 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1270 MTX Mototrax - ULUS10138 - Half Playable - r1274 Musou Tourou - ULJS00163 - Shows Intro - r1381 Myst - ULES00412 - Playable - r1187 Mytran Wars - ULES01098 - Shows Intro - r1308 MX vs ATV: Reflex - ULUS10429 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1431 MX vs. ATV Untamed - ULUS10330 - Shows Intro - r1451 N: n+ - ULUS10340 - Shows Intro - r1077 Nakahara no Hasha: Sangoku Shouseiden - ULJS00036 - Shows Intro - r1180 Namco Museum Battle Collection - ULUS10035 - Shows Intro - r1075 Nana - Subete wa Daimaou no Omichibiki - ULJM05142 - Shows Intro - r1375 Nanatama: Chronicle of Dungeon Maker - NPJH90035 - Encrypted - r1073 Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes - ULUS10299 - Half Playable - r1384 Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising - ULES01306 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1426 Nascar - ULUS10122 - Loadable - r1225 NBA 2K5 - UCUS98607 - Shows Intro - r1258 NBA2K10 - ULUS10474 - Shows Intro - r1372 Need For Speed - Carbon - Own The City - ULUS10114 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1363 Need For Speed: Most Wanted - ULUS10036 - Shows Intro - r1359 Need For Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0 - ULES00196 - Shows Intro - r1348 Need For Speed - ProStreet - ULUS10331 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1359 Need For Speed: Shift - ULUS10462 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1423 Need for Speed - Undercover - ULES01145 - Encrypted - UNK Need For Speed - Undercover - ULUS10376 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1359 Need For Speed: Underground Rivals - ULUS10007 - Shows Intro - r1363 Neon Genesis Evangelion: Tsukurareshi Sekai - ULJS00061 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1474 Neopets: Petpet Adventures - The Wand of Wishing - UCUS98622 - Half Playable - r1285 Neverland Card Battles - ULUS10382 - Loadable - r1204 NFL Street 2 Unleashed - ULUS10008 - Loadable - r1075 NFL Street 3 - ULES00641 - Shows Intro - r1389 NHRA Drag Racing: Countdown to the Championship - ULUS10278 - Loadable - r1123 Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu Kurenai Portable - ULJM05598 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1345 Nogizaka Haruka No Himistu Doujinshi Hajimemashita - NPJH00021 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1377 Normal Tanks - NPEZ00135 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1416 Numblast - NPEG00011 - Encrypted - r1204 Numblast - NPUG80320 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1270 Numpla & Oekaki Puzzle - ULJM05140 - Encrypted - r1082 O: Obscure: The Aftermath - ULUS10484 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1231 Onore no Shinzuru Michi o Yuke - ULJM05465 - Encrypted - r1076 Ookami Kakushi - ULJM05413 - Loadable (Encrypted) - UNK Open Season - ULES00507 - Encrypted - UNK Open Season - ULUS10152 - Shows Intro - r1241 Oretachi no Sabage Portable - ULJS00170 - Half Playable - r1289 Otsugea Uranai na Desu. - ULJM05409 - Playable - r1110 OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast - ULUS10064 - Shows Intro - r1232 Over the Hedge: Hammy Goes Nuts - ULUS10187 - Loadable - r1270 P: Pac-Man World 3 - ULUS10055 - Playable - r1167 Pac-Man World Rally - ULUS10149 - Loadable - r1114 Pachisi - NPEZ00123 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1303 Parodius Portable - ULJM05220 - Shows Intro - UNK Passport to...London - UCES00240 - Encrypted - UNK Patapon - UCES00995 - Shows Intro - r1123 Patapon 2 - UCES01177 - Loadable - r1310 Patapon 2 - UCJS10089 - Loadable - UNK Patchwork Heroes - NPEG00028 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1413 PDC World Championship Darts - ULES01096 - Encrypted - r1066 Persona - ULJM05422 - Shows Intro - r1203 Persona - ULUS10432 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1475 Persona 3 Portable - NPJH50040 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1246 Peter Jackson's King Kong - ULUS10072 - Half Playable - r1270 Petz Dogz Family - ULUS10463 - Playable - r1438 Petz My Baby Hamster - ULES01266 - Encrypted - r1078 Petz My Puppy Family - ULES01267 - Encrypted - r1076 Phantasy Star Portable - ULUS10410 - Half Playable - r1312 Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.P. Gakuen Princess - ULJM05464 - Playable - r1503 Pilot Academy - ULES00374 - Loadable - r1064 Pinball Dreams - NPEZ00021 - Playable - r1258 Pinball Fantasies - NPEZ00022 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1312 Pinball Hall of Fame - ULUS10052 - Shows Intro - r1308 Pipe Mania - ULES01094 - Half Playable - r1189 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - ULUS10252 - Playable - r1231 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - ULUS10111 - Shows Intro - r1270 PixelJunk: Monsters Deluxe - NPUG80248 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1363 Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume - ULJM05383 - Shows Intro - r1032 Platypus - ULES01029 - Encrypted - UNK Platypus - ULUS10203 - Encrypted - r1066 PlayChapas Football Edition - UCES01134 - Shows Intro - r1191 Pocket Racers - ULES00275 - Half Playable - r1238 Pop 'n Music Portable - ULJM05605 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1349 PoPoLoCrois - ULES00291 - Shows Intro - r1035 Portable Island: Tenohira Resort - ULJS00031 - Shows Intro - r1363 Power Pro Success Legends - ULJM05537 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1506 Power Stone Collection - ULES00496 - Loadable - r1037 PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient - ULUS10046 - Shows Intro - r1052 Prince of Persia - Revelations - ULUS10063 - Shows Intro - r1505 Prince of Persia: Rival Swords - ULUS10240 - Shows Intro - r1505 Princess Crown - ULJM05040 - Playable - r1308 Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? - ULUS10407 - Half Playable - r1238 Prinny 2 Tokkou Yuugi Akatsuki no Pants Daisakusenssu - NPJH50211 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1473 Pro Cycling 2007 - ULES00849 - Encrypted - UNK Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - ULES00880 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1473 Pursuit Force - UCUS98640 - Shows Intro - r1299 Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice - UCUS98703 - Shows Intro - r1299 Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary - ULJM05177 - Loadable- UNK Puyo Pop Fever - ULES00294 - Shows Intro - r1087 Puzzle Bobble Pocket - ULJM05011 - Playable - r1034 Puzzler Collection - ULES01066 - Playable - r1145 Puzzle Chronicles - ULUS10468 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1340 Puzzle Guzzle - ULUS10334 - Loadable - r1114 Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - ULUS10225 - Playable - r991 Puzzle Scape - ULUS10190 - Half Playable - r1078 Puzzle Scape Mini - NPEZ00001 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1310 Q: Qruton - NPJG00020 - Encrypted - r1213 Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos - ULJS00190 - Encrypted - r1287 R: R-Type Command - ULUS10343 - Loadable - r1067 Race Driver 2006 - ULUS10096 - Half Playable - r1431 Rapala Trophies - ULUS10137 - Shows Intro - r1043 Ratatouille - ULUS10247 - Loadable - r1123 Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters - UCUS98633 - Encrypted - r1114 Real Madrid - ULES01219 - Playable - r1239 Red Bull X-Fighters - NPEZ00100 - Half Playable - r1347 Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N. - ULUS10127 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1299 Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory - ULUS10013 - Shows Intro - r1050 Resistance: Retribution - UCUS98668 - Shows Intro - r1299 Resistance: Retribution - UCES01184 - Shows Intro - r1396 Retro Cave Flyer - NPEZ00141 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1365 Rezel Cross - UCJS10023 - Half Playable - r1473 Ricky Ponting 2007 Pressure Play - ULES00815 - Loadable - r1082 Ridge Racer - UCES00002 - Half Playable - r1258 Ridge Racer - ULUS10001 - Shows Intro - r1058 Ridge Racer 2 - UCES00422 - Shows Intro - r1206 Riviera: The Promised Land - ULUS10286 - Shows Intro - r1078 Rock Band Unplugged - ULUS10418 - Encrypted - r1123 Rocket Racing - NPEZ00043 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1412 Rocky Balboa - ULES00670 - Encrypted - UNK Route 66 - NPEZ00036 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1303 Rupupu Cube Rupu Sarada Portable Matatabi - NPJH50103 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1397 Rush - ULUS10174 - Shows Intro - r1299 S: Samurai Dou Portable - ULJS00155 - Loadable - r1138 Samurai Shodown Anthology - ULUS10401 - Half Playable - r1231 Samurai Warriors: State of War - ULUS10089 - Shows Intro - r1297 Sarugetchu P! - UCJS10004 - Half Playable - r1473 Savage Moon: The Hera Campaign - NPUG80328 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1365 SBK Superbike World Championship - ULUS10300 - Shows Intro - r1297 Scarface: Money. Power. Respect. - ULUS10148 - Loadable - r1178 School Rumble - Anesan Jiken Desu! - ULJS00019 - Shows Intro - r1452 Scrabble - ULUS10412 - Loadable - r1035 Secret Agent Clank - UCUS98697 - Loadable - r1180 Secret of Evangelion - ULJM05251 - Half Playable - r1369 Sega Mega Drive Collection - ULES00556 - Loadable - r1043 SEGA Rally - ULES00910 - Half Playable - r1172 Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes - ULJM05436 - Loadable - r1083 Sengoku Tenka Touitsu - ULJS00187 - Loadable - r1308 Shadow of Destiny - ULUS10459 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1370 Shaun White Snowboarding - ULES01185 - Encrypted - UNK Sheep Defense - NPUX80421 - Playable - r1465 Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid - ULJM05427 - Loadable - r1308 Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid 2 - ULJM05637 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1473 Shinobido: Tales of the Ninja - UCES00421 - Encrypted - UNK Shinseiki Evangelion Battle Orchestra Portable - ULJM05480 - Encrypted - r1204 Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend - ULJM05456 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1423 Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd - ULJM05477 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1470 Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula VS - ULJS00142 - Half Playable - r1147 Sid Meier's Pirates! - ULUS10224 - Playable - r1359 Silent Hill Origins - ULUS10285 - Shows Intro - r1308 Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - ULUS10450 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1359 Silverfall - ULES00808 - Playable - r1359 Skate Park City - ULES00957 - Half Playable - r1145 Slotter Mania P: Tetsuya Shinjuku vs Ueno - ULJM05620 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1478 Smart Bomb - ULUS10016 - Loadable - r1075 Smashbreak - NPUX80404 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1373 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo - UCUS98615 - Playable - r1280 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Portable - NPJG00035 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1370 Sonic Rivals - ULES00622 - Loadable - r1127 Sonic Rivals - ULUS10195 - Half Playable - r1415 Sonic Rivals 2 - ULUS10323 - Loadable - r1127 Sora no Kiseki Material Collection - ULJM05307 - Playable - r1470 Sorano to Shimono DSV - ULJM05639 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1479 Sorayume Portable - ULJS00203 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1241 Soukyuu no Fafner - ULJS00006 - Half Playable - r1285 SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - ULES01298 - Loadable - r1225 SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - ULJS00202 - Encrypted - r1149 SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - ULUS10457 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1381 Soul Eater: Battle Resonance - ULJS00176 - Loadable - r1349 Space Invaders Evolution - ULES00348 - Playable - r1345 Space Invaders Extreme - ULUS10346 - Loadable - r1014 Space Invaders: Galaxy Beat - ULJM05045 - Playable - r1078 Space Invaders Pocket - ULJM05015 - Playable - r1075 Spectral Souls: Resurr. of the Ethereal Empires - ULUS10076 - Shows Intro - r1149 Spectral VS Generation - ULES00757 - Playable - r1312 Spelling Challenges and More! - ULUS10255 - Shows Intro - r1037 Spiderman 2 - ULUS10015 - Shows Intro - r1075 Spider-Man 3 - ULUS10317 - Encrypted - UNK Spider-Man Web of Shadows Amazing Allies Edition - ULES01174 - Encrypted - UNK Spinout - ULES00693 - Shows Intro - r1101 SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger - ULES00280 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1478 SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger - ULUS10092 - Loadable - r1059 SpongeBob's Truth or Square - ULES01365 - Playable - r1345 SSX On Tour - ULUS10042 - Shows Intro - r1348 Stacked with Daniel Negreanu - ULUS10101 - Half Playable - r1075 Star Ocean: First Departure - ULUS10374 - Loadable - r1312 Star Ocean: Second Evolution - ULUS10375 - Loadable - r1470 Star Soldier - ULJM05026 - Playable - r1230 Star Trek: Tactical Assault - ULUS10150 - Shows Intro - r1363 Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron - ULUS10390 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1233 Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron - ULUS10292 - Loadable - r1369 Star Wars Battle Front II - ULES00183 - Playable - r1261 Star Wars Battle Front II - ULUS10053 - Shows Intro - r1497 Star Wars: Lethal Alliance - ULES00599 - Shows Intro - r1470 Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes - ULES01284 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1369 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - ULUS10345 - Loadable - r1308 State Shift - ULES00776 - Shows Intro - r1381 Steambot Chronicles Battle Tournament - ULUS10470 - Encrypted - r1213 Steel Horizon - ULUS10215 - Shows Intro - r1064 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max - ULES00235 - Playable - UNK Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX - ULUS10062 - Half Playable - r1312 Street Riders - ULES00276 - Shows Intro - r1415 Street Supremacy - ULUS10069 - Shows Intro - r1126 Sudoku - NPUZ00001 - Encrypted - r1204 Suigetsu Portable - ULJM05346 - Half Playable - r1285 Sunday vs Magazine Shuuketsu Choujou Daikessen - ULJM05450 - Loadable - r1310 Super Collapse 3 - ULUS10287 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1082 Super Fruit Fall - ULES00639 - Playable - r1145 Super Hind - ULES01091 - Half Playable - r1472 Super Monkey Ball Adventure - ULES00364 - Loadable - r1076 Super Pocket Tennis - ULES00619 - Encrypted - r1058 Super Robot Taisen A Portable - ULJS00143 - Playable - r1415 Super Robot Taisen MX Portable - ULJS00041 - Shows Intro - r1382 Super Stardust Portable - NPEG00008 - Encrypted - r1213 Susume Mamore Tatakae - NPJH00030 - Playable - r1465 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku - ULJS00123 - Loadable - r1084 SWAT: Target Liberty - ULUS10314 - Shows Intro - r1422 Sweet Reversi - NPUX80424 - Playable - r1465 Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror - UCUS98641 - Half Playable - r1299 Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow - UCUS98606 - Shows Intro - r1280 T: Taiheiyou no Arashi - ULJS00127 - Loadable - r1114 Taito Legends Power-Up - ULES00473 - Loadable - r1308 Taito Memories Pocket - ULJM05076 - Loadable - r1076 Tales of Eternia - ULES00176 - Playable - r1375 Tales of Phantasia: Full Voice Edition - ULJS00079 - Loadable - r1085 Tales of VS. - ULJS00209 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1377 Tekken 6 - ULUS10466 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1261 Tekken: Dark Resurrection - UCES00356 - Encrypted - UNK Tekken: Dark Resurrection - UCET00424 - Encrypted - UNK Tekken: Dark Resurrection - ULUS10139 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1299 Tenchu 4 Plus - ULJM05471 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1416 Tenchu San Portable - ULJM05505 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1470 Tenchu: Shadow Assassins - ULUS10419 - Half Playable - r1348 Tenchu: Time of the Assassins - ULES00277 - Playable - r1234 Test Drive Unlimited - ULUS10249 - Loadable - r1043 Tetris - NPUZ00003 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1505 The Con - UCUS98621 - Encrypted - r1105 The Eye of Judgment Legends - UCES01334 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1372 The Fast and the Furious - ULUS10198 - Loadable - r1030 The Godfather: Mob Wars - ULUS10098 - Shows Intro - r1415 The Golden Compass - ULUS10315 - Half Playable - r1415 The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome - ULES00798 - Half Playable - UNK The Hustle: Detroit Streets - ULUS10048 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1261 The Legend of Heroes - ULUS10022 - Playable - r1474 The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch - ULUS10125 - Shows Intro - r1474 The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean - ULUS10144 - Shows Intro - r1474 The Lord of the Rings: Tactics - ULUS10038 - Loadable - r1212 The Red Star - NPUH10040 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1420 The Sims 2 Castaway - ULUS10296 - Encrypted -UNK The Terminator - NPEZ00140 - Playable - r1365 Thexder Neo - NPUH10019 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1191 This Is Football Managment - NPEX00001 - Playable - r1345 Tiger Trouble - NPEZ00129 - Playable - r1345 Tiger Woods PGA Tour - ULUS10009 - Loadable - r1058 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09 - ULES01120 - Encrypted - UNK To LoveRu Trouble: Doki Doki! Rinkaigakkou-Hen - ULJS00154 - Playable - UNK TOCA Race Driver 2 - ULES00040 - Half Playable - r1284 TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge - ULES00613 - Shows Intro - r1052 Tokimeki Memorial - Forever With You - ULJM05078 - Shows Intro - r1452 Tokimeki Memorial 4 - NPJH50127 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1423 Tokobot - ULUS10061 - Shows Intro - r1299 Tom Clancy's EndWar - ULUS10358 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1145 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas - ULUS10206 - Shows Intro - r1241 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials - ULUS10070 - Loadable - r1241 Tomb Raider: Anniversary - ULUS10253 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1082 Tomb Raider: Legend - ULES00283 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1465 Tomb Raider: Legend - ULUS10110 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1293 Tony Hawk's Project 8 - ULUS10197 - Shows Intro - r1312 Tony Hawks Ungerground 2 Remix - ULUS10014 - Loadable - r1075 Tonzurakko - NPUX80422 - Playable - r1465 ToraDora Portable! - ULJS00186 - Encrypted - UNK Transformers: The Game - ULUS10274 - Loadable - r1123 Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen - ULUS10433 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1123 Traxxpad - ULUS10272 - Loadable - r1073 Twisted Metal: Head-On - UCUS98601 - Playable - r1282 U: UEFA EURO 2008 - ULES01025 - Encrypted - r1105 Ultimate Block Party - ULUS10043 - Half Playable - r1308 Ultimate Board Game Collection - ULES01017 - Encrypted - UNK Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULUS10105 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1385 Ultraman: Fighting Evolution 0 - ULJS00069 - Playable - r1180 Umihara Kawase Portable - ULJS00137 - Loadable - r1076 Unbound Saga - NPUH10008 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1270 Undead Knights - ULES01390 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1379 Undead Knights - ULUS10453 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1431 Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - ULES00046 - Shows Intro - r1075 Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - ULUS10003 - Playable - r1506 Up - ULUS10430 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1270 V: Valhalla Knights - ULUS10230 - Loadable - r1166 Valhalla Knights 2 - ULUS10366 - Shows Intro - r1308 Valhalla Knights 2: Battle Stance - NPUH10041 - Shows Intro - r1341 Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth - ULUS10107 - Half Playable - UNK Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower - ULJM05005 - Half Playable - r1145 Vantage Master PORTABLE - ULJM05332 - Shows Intro - r1426 Vector TD - NPEZ00130 - Playable - r1345 Vempire - NPEZ00058 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1310 Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble - ULUS10087 - Playable - r1415 Virtua Tennis: World Tour - ULES00126 - Loadable - r1242 VitaminZ Revolution - ULJS00278 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1505 W: Wall-E - ULUS10350 - Loadable - r1270 Wangan Midnight Portable - ULJM05264 - Half Playable - r1032 Warhammer: The Battle for Atluma - ULUS10123 - Half Playable - r1381 Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command - ULUS10313 - Half Playable - r1231 WarNiChi - ULKS46132 - Encrypted - r1034 Warriors of the Lost Empire - ULUS10309 - Loadable - r1070 Warriors Orochi - ULUS10341 - Loadable - r1308 Warriors Orochi 2 - ULUS10423 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1178 Winning Eleven 9: Ubiquitous Evolution - ULJM05033 - Encrypted - r1078 Wipeout Pulse - UCES00465 - Shows Intro - r1238 Wipeout Pure - UCES00001 - Shows Intro - r1423 Wipeout Pure - UCUS98612 - Shows Intro - r1059 Wizardry Empire III: Haou no Keifu - ULJM05218 - Playable - r1382 World of Pool - ULES00821 - Shows Intro - r1308 World Series Of Poker - ULUS10047 - Half Playable - r1258 World Snooker Challenge 2005 - ULES00021 - Half Playable - r1415 World Snooker Challenge 2007 - ULES00453 - Half Playable - r1261 World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 - ULJM05033 - Encrypted - UNK World Tour Soccer - UCUS98613 - Loadable - r1075 Worms: Open Warfare - ULES00268 - Playable - r1324 Worms: Open Warfare 2 - ULES00819 - Loadable - r1114 WRC: World Rally Championship - ULUS10093 - Loadable - r1149 WTF: Work Time Fun - ULUS10172 - Encrypted - r1064 WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 - ULUS10050 - Shows Intro - r1299 WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 - ULUS10199 - Loadable - r1241 WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 - ULUS10281 - Loadable - r1241 WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 - ULUS10384 - Loadable - r1241 WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - ULUS10452 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1241 WWII: Battle Over the Pacific - ULES00974 - Half Playable - r1145 X: X-Men Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse - ULES00189 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1470 X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse - ULUS10045 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1422 X-Men Origins: Wolverine - ULES01226 - Loadable - r1083 X-Men Origins: Wolverine - ULUS10411 - Loadable - r1270 Xiaolin Showdown - ULUS10164 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1241 Xyanide: Resurrection - ULES00634 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1178 Y: Yarudora Portable: Blood the Last Vampire - UCJS10025 - Loadable - r1241 Yarudora Portable - Double Cast - UCAS40032 - Shows Intro - r1470 Yarudora Portable - Kisetsu wo Dakishimete - UCAS4003 - Shows Intro - r1470 Yarudora Portable - Sampaguita - UCJS10014 - Shows Intro - r1470 YetiSports: Pingu Throw - NPEZ00099 - Half Playable - r1381 Yggdra Union - ULUS10368 - Shows Intro - r1086 Yoake Mae Yori Ruriiro Na Portable - ULJM05625 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1396 Your Memories Off - Girls Style - ULJM05435 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1503 Ys I&II Chronicles - ULJM05474 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1470 Ys Seven - ULJM05475 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1470 Ys: The Ark of Napishtim - ULUS10051 - Half Playable - r1145 Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 - ULES01362 - Encrypted - r1265 Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 - ULJM05479 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1241 Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 - ULUS10481 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1478 Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force - ULES00600 - Loadable - r1308 Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 - ULES01183 - Loadable - r1114 Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam - NPEZ00094 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1310 Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida. - UCJS10076 - Loadable - UNK Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida 3D - UCJS10109 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1409 Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 - UCAS40240 - Loadable - r1002 Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 - UCJS10086 - Shows Intro - r1303 Z: Zendoku - ULES00692 - Shows Intro - r1067 Zero Choaniki - ULJM05390 - Loadable - r1076 Zettai Hero Kaizou Keikaku - NPJH50144 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1413 Zill O'll Infinite Plus - ULJM05410 - Shows Intro - r1241 Zwei!! - ULJM05392 - Playable - r1431 Demos: Dissidia: Final Fantasy - NPUH90029 - Encrypted - r1147 Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - NPEH90023 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1299 Patapon 2 Demo - NPJG90027 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1503 Prinny: Ore ga Shujinkou de Iinsuka? - NPJH90008 - Encrypted - UNK Homebrew: 48 Hour Pong - UCJS10041 - Loadable - r1016 Aap Lander! - UCJS10041 - Shows Screens - r1016 AgenaWorld 1.8 - UCJS10041 - Loadable - r1058 Alex Gilbert's Bob the Game - UCJS10041 - Loadable - UNK Attack of the Mutants! 0.4a - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1058 Ceres 1.3 - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1066 Chronicles - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1231 Counter Strike - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1075 CSPSP - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1143 DAX ZISO Loader 0.62 - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1287 Duke Nukem 3D PSP - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1504 FMSX - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1178 GpSPmod PSP - UCJS10041 - Loadable - r1178 Half-Life PSP 0.4 - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1201 Halo Dungeons - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1064 Heretic PSP - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1143 Heroes of Might and Magic - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1504 Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1504 IntraFont - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1102 KETM PSP v0.9 - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1082 Kurok PSP 0.4 - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1201 LightMP3 2.0.0 RC4 - UCJS10041 - Shows Screens - r1204 LightWay - UCJS10041 - Shows Screens - UNK LuLines 1.0 - UCJS10041 - Shows Screens - r1066 Minesweeper - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1095 Mobile Assault - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - UNK Moorhuhn PSP - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1179 MPH 2.00 Game loader for 1.50 - UCJS10041 - Loadable - r1066 Nav Assault 0.7 beta - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1375 NesterJ - UCJS10041 - Functional - UNK Nethack for the PSP - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1034 OSLib - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1476 Picodrive - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1178 PMPlayer Advance 3.0.5 - UCJS10041 - Shows Screens - r1114 PokedexPSP - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1114 PortableBobble - UCJS10041 - Loadable - r1114 PRXDecrypter 2.0 - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1094 PSP2600 - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1191 PSP Doom - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1143 PSP Hexen - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1143 PSP Mario - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1143 PSP Quake 3 PRJ - UCJS10041 - Loadable - r1423 PSP Rubik Cube v1.4 - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1015 PSP Wolf3D - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1143 PSPKVM - UCJS10041 - Loadable - r1178 PSPlayer 2.0 - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1272 PSPMANCALA - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1059 Quake - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1166 Quake 2 PSP Beta - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1180 Racer - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1246 Sonic Battle Arena - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1114 Super Mario Ice Land - UCJS10041 - Loadable - UNK Super Tux - UCJS10041 - Loadable - UNK Taoism Qi - UCJS10041 - Shows Screens - r1066 TibiaPSP v0.2 - UCJS10041 - Playable - r1381 Toy Wars - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1413 TrigWars - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1059 UMD Emulator - UCJS10041 - Shows Screens - r1066 UO gpSP KAI 3.4 Test 1 Build 2 - UCJS10041 - Shows Screens - r1370 UO gpSP KAI 3.4 Test 3 Build 92 - UCJS10041 - Shows Screens - r1078 Vertex Origin . 3D Car Demo v0.1b - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1143 Wagic: the Homebrew?! - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1363 Windows 95 - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - r1504 X-Moto-PSP - UCJS10041 - Loadable - r1114 yPaint v2 - UCJS10041 - Functional - r1078 Zombie Desert - UCJS10041 - Half Functional - UNK
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